I’m an Advantageist who regrets nothing and appreciates everything.  (More on that below, I promise.)

I’m an animal welfare CEO (Columbus Humane) with more than two decades of nonprofit executive leadership experience. I’ve helped families whose children need life-saving organ transplants, cared for homeless people, and served inner-city youth who are at risk of dropping out of high school.  I’m a mom, a partner to my beloved. I sew newborn baby gifts and I bake when I’m stressed. I love hiking, yoga, reading and kayaking with my family.   

I’m the youngest of six siblings.  You could call my upbringing…um...let’s say, “spirited.”  I was president of too many things in high school, worked three jobs throughout college and, even though I earned a major, two minors and a certificate, I still graduated in four years. I’m forty-two now and looking back, the first half of my life was pretty ridiculous. Strengths Finder says I’m an Achiever.  Honestly, I’m a recovering overachiever striving to become a human being rather than a human doing

But that’s only part of the story. I’m also a champion negative self-talker with rampant imposter syndrome.  (I’ll tell you later how I turned negative self-talk into my superpower).  My expectations for my own performance are absurdly high and I’m always convinced that I’m behind—whom or what, I have no idea.  I just always feel like I’m trailing.  I can’t play piano, though I took lessons for years.  How is that even possible?!  I barely know how to apply makeup and my hair is never quite right.  I am insufferable when I feel helpless (which is basically any time after I learn something is wrong and before I figure out how I can help fix it).  When I’m tired, I lose my filter and sometimes say the inappropriate things I’m thinking out loud.  I hate to be late and I’m annoyingly precise.  Ask my husband.

 So, what the heck is an Advantageist and why should you take personal development cues from an overachieving animal welfare expert with negative self-talk issues?  

  1. An Advantageist is one who expands perspective to see the advantages in difficult or challenging situations or emotions—even, and especially, in the worst, most horrible situations.  (You definitely want to be an Advantageist.  All of the cool kids are doing it.)

  2. I’ve got LOTS of experience with horrible situations, losses and tragedy, and I’ve already told you that I regret nothing and appreciate everything.  I have a hunch that you’d also like to feel that way about your worst, most horrible situations.

  3. Humans are animals, too.  Pretty sure that makes me a human welfare expert.

  4. What do you have to lose?  

I work in animal welfare, yes.  But most of my days are spent helping people connect their purposes with their passions and leverage their personal capacities for maximum impact.   That’s what being an Advantageist is all about.  We all become stronger by helping one another along the way. 

Follow me to live fully, appreciate deeply and regret nothing (even, and especially, when we make mistakes).  I’ll show you how with easy exercises, discussion prompts and encouragement along the journey. 

One last thing.  If you’re looking for sunshine and rainbows, I’m not your gal.  Think of me more like storm clouds and rainbows.  Life is messy and painful and hard and I don’t side-step or sugar coat that stuff.  We need ALL of the feelings and experiences.  I won’t shelter you from the downpour, but I will definitely dance with you in the puddles.  

 Are you in?  Excellent.  Now, let’s get a move on because I hate to be late.  

 Here we grow!

 Rachel, Chief Advantageist
